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Last Updated:
3/11/2025 10:39 PM


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Celeste AKA Star

Dear Tanya, Being adopted is exhausting. I really don't like toys to play with, but they are fun to lie on. Today I went for a walk and felt grass between my toes, I like it, saw other dogs, they scared me and hung around mom and dad. I like that, cause I got lots of ear rubs and long rubs with the hound glove. They are trying to get me to eat more, so I won't be such a skinny minnie. I'm going to sleep now, it is past my crate time, oops I don't sleep in a crate anymore. Any way I'm tired. Thanks Tanya, for all you did to save my life and put me on the road to many happy days and nights for years to come Love, Celeste formerly Star Plum

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