Last Updated: 3/11/2025 10:39 PM |
© 2025 T.A.N.Y.A.'s, Inc. |
Latest News Items:
Expandng -- Thursday May 9th, 2019
Asking for a big donation!Tanyas inc hates asking for big expense donations. We try to find a way to do it on our own but we have hit a wall. With the rescue being based out of the home we are always trying to find room when we take in new dogs. With the family growing the house is getting smaller but we have found something that will be so beneficial for the rescue. A 20x20 out building. It will be roughly 11,000 to get it put in and everything thing hooked up. This will become Tanyas official, her meet and greet room, and a place to put our mom and pups. Last year when we had the mom Dane and the 13 puppies it was very hard. Rescuing a couple dogs from the shelter ended up getting everyone sick and we came very close to loosing some of the puppies. That’s when it became very clear to us that Tanyas inc needed somewhere to keep either mom and pups separated from the other adoption dogs. We want to keep rescuing as many animals as we can and this will help us do that. These last couple years seems that more and more dogs are coming from the shelter or even off the streets sicker and sicker and we need a way to keep everyone healthy. Please find it in your hearts to donate and help us reach our goal.
We are a 501c3. Every donation can be written off on your taxes.
Iams Home 4 the Holidays -- Sunday November 8th, 2009
Adoption Weekend at Petco in Redlands on Lugonia Ave. from 10 am to 3 pm
Help us reach our goal of 1.5 million pets adopted through
Iams Home 4 the Holidays
Bird Cage! -- Friday October 9th, 2009
I want to Thank Carla from the Petco in Redlands for donating a very large bird cage. Tanya's has been in Petco in Redlands since the Grand opening. Thanks for supporting us. And Thanks to Don and Carol for transporting the cage to my home in Phelan.
Adoptions Adoptions Adopt -- Friday September 18th, 2009
Adoption have been going great! Many of our furries are finding "Forever Homes" Tanya now rescues Exotic Birds. So let us know if you need to place your Winged friends.
Help Tanya's Win $10,000 -- Tuesday September 23rd, 2008
We have great news to share about a fun way your organization can win
up to $10,000 and be part of a national campaign to raise awareness
about pet adoption. Adopt-a-Pet.com (formerly 1-800-Save-A-Pet.com)
is partnering with Care2.com, the largest online community of people
passionate about making a difference, to sponsor "America's Favorite
Animal Shelter", an online contest that will run from September 22 to
November 1, 2008. As an Adopt-a-Pet.com (1-800-Save-A-Pet.com)
shelter or rescue partner, you're already signed up for the contest.
All you need to do now is encourage your supporters to visit the link
below and vote for your organization. The group with the most votes
will win a $10,000 donation from Care2.com, and multiple participating
shelters will win $1,000 from Adopt-a-Pet.com.
Here's our organization's contest link. Send it to everyone you
know (via emails, newsletters, etc.) and ask them to vote for you!
Tanya's Adoption Network 4 Young Animals, Inc. (T.A.N.Y.A.'s, Inc.)
The Animal Say THANK YOU! -- Sunday March 30th, 2008
March 30, 2008
A few weeks ago at work a woman, named Alice, handed me a check for $1,000.00. Mind you, this woman makes the least amount of money out of anyone in the department, so she is the last person you would expect to hand you $1,000.00. Alice tells me that she recently received some inheritance money, and that she would like to help with the expenses we have in rescuing animals. I refused the money and told her if she really wants to make a donation to help animals, she should donate to your rescue. She said she planned to stop by over the past couple of weeks to make a donation to you but unfortunately her father became seriously ill and is requiring all her time.
So, last night at work she handed me this check made out to you for $1,000.00, and asked that I give it to you. I asked her if she shouldn’t save the money to help with her sick father’s medical expenses. She said she asked her father and he wants the money to go to help the animals. So here’s the check. It’s a pretty touching story. If only there were more people in the world. God Bless Alice and her father.
Rich Preci
EDITOR’S NOTE: Amen! And we say God Bless the Precis, too.
WE DID IT!!! -- Sunday December 17th, 2006
We have done it. Max and Freddie can now have the surguries they need. Thanks to all who have helped to make this possible. A Huge Thank You to Rich and Colleen Preci you two have hearts of gold.
Adopt-A-Pet-Portrait! -- Wednesday August 23rd, 2006
After listening to yet another heartrending story of pets being separated from their owners during Hurricane Katrina, artist Sandi Gold knew that she had to do something. She decided to paint portraits of rescued animals for animal rescue and welfare organizations to put up for adoption to help them with their fundraising. Consequently Sandi's Adopt-A-Pet-Portrait program was born. The portraits won't ever need to be fed and I guartuntee they will never stain your carpet! explains the artist laughingly. Sandi is committed to helping as many animal rescue and welfare organizations as possible throughout the United States.
You can Adopt-A-Pet-Portrait of a rescued dog named "Max" to help "TANYA's, Inc.." The portrait is printed on heavy archival watercolor paper and each is signed by the artist. For every print sold, artist Sandi Gold will donate 20% to TANYA's, Inc. She will donate $50.00 when the original painting sells.
Both the original painting and prints may be purchased by going to the website: www.tanyasinc.org and looking for the painting of Max. Also anyone may commission Sandi to paint their own pet. Email a photo of your pet to sandi@sandigold.com for a free estimate. Mention Pet TANYA's, Inc. and Sandi will donate $50.00 to them for each commission she paints. See Sandi's website at www.sandigold.com for more information.
Sandi Gold received her BFA from Boston University College of Visual Arts and, following study in Aix-en-Proven, France, received a Cértificat D'Etude from the Leo Marchutz School of Painting. Since that time she has been featured in The New York Times, People Magazine, The Boston Globe, and has appeared on the ABC news show 20/20. She has been interviewed on both the Connecticut and National Public Radio discussing her artwork. For more information about Sandi Gold or her "Adopt-A-Pet Program" visit her website http://www.sandigold.com.
Simone -- Tuesday May 30th, 2006
Petfinder.com searched for 10 families in selected areas of the country who had 10-year olds who wanted to adopt a pet and were willing to appear on The Today Show with Petfinder.com
These 10 families were sworn to secrecy
Tre'Shauna Presha
Rochester, NY
Tre'Shauna's new pal Simone is an alumnus of Tanya’s Adoption Network for Young Animals of Phelan, CA, an all-volunteer, foster-home based organization that cares for homeless pets while they wait for their forever homes.
Petfinder.com would like to thank Tanya's Adoption Network for all their hard work on behalf of the animals and all their help in making this project come to life!
Bichon Frise
Tanyas Adoption Network 4 Young Animals
Phelan, CA
Donations Needed! -- Sunday May 21st, 2006
We need help to save these two little boys.
Tanya's is raising money to give these little boys the help they need to live. They both need to have a stint put in their heart to save them.
Tanya's is trying to raise $4000.00 dollars. The vet that will do the surgury has already donated the other $2000.00 dollars to help with the cost of the surgury.
Can you help these two little boys????
Any Donation Will Make A Difference.
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