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Last Updated:
3/11/2025 10:39 PM


  Tanya's Adoption Network 4 Young Animals, Inc. (T.A.N.Y.A.'s, Inc.)
Information on TANYAS, INC.


We are a CA non-profit public benefit charitable corporation (registered with the Attorney General's office of charitable trusts), 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization.  Donations are tax deductable.  T.A.N.Y.A.'s, Inc. enjoys several corporate partnerships including our affiliation with pets911.com, petfinder.com, 1800saveapet and rescuegroups.org.   We rescue dogs from area shelters before they are euthanized.  We specialize in small breed dogs, & exotic birds.
Baby pups               
Tanya used to work in an animal hospital- and now she is an angel of sorts! She is still with us, but she is definitely an angel as far as a lot of animals are concerned. Since 1999, Tanya and her animal adoption network have saved the lives of more that 5,000 animals that would otherwise have been euthanized. Not only has she been responsible for saving that number of animals lives, but potentially 750,000 or more lives - that's how many offspring may have resulted from those same pets not being spayed or neutered. A veterinarian assistant by trade and an animal welfare advocate since childhood, Tanya has made animal rescue and adoption her vocation. Her husband Alex, created the acronym Tanya's Adoption Network 4 Young Animals, and in the process created a monster. The non-profit T.A.N.Y.A.'s, Inc. continues to grow. Working mostly from her home in Phelan, Tanya keeps chipping away at the pet over-population problem.

Tanya does adoptions at her home in Phelan the rest of the week.  Just call and make an appointment to possible adopt a new family member. 1-909-379-5182

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