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Last Updated:
3/11/2025 10:39 PM


Rainbow Bridge

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Rainbow Bridge Poem
Just this side of heavan is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When our beloved pets die, they journey to this idyllic spot. There are meadows and hills enough for all to frolic freely, and plenty of food, water and sunshine. Each and evey animal is warm and comfortable. Those pets who have been ill or aged are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong. Each is just as we remember in our dreams of days and times gone by. Our pets who are happy and content at Rainbow Bridge , except for one small thing. Every creature misses someone special, who they have left behind. The animals all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops, and looks into the distance. His or her bright eyes are intent; an eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he or she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, legs going faster and faster. You have been spotted, and you and your special friend come together in joyous reunion. Happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head; and you look once more into the eyes of your pet so long gone from your life; but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together. Auther Unkown

Hi Tanya, I know you deal with alot of clients and all but I just wanted to thank you for helping my family adopt our girl "Misty". We adopted her from you back in 1999 and at that time her name was "Taffy". You estimated her to be four yrs. old at that time. I have attached her picture so maybe you would remember, but I wanted to let you know that sadly she left us to go over that rainbow bridge last Saturday! Alot of tears have been shed and heartaches to deal with. We loved her so much and we miss her very dearly. I know she was very greatful for all you did for her and so were we. Keep up the good work and you know that this Family had her for a very long time and she will be so sadly missed! Thank you,Krystal & "Misty"

Duke passed away on 9-22-06. Duke was rescued from the shelter when he was only two years old. He was very much loved and was a great dog, he was great around all animals, cats, dogs, horses, goats and was excellent with kids. The best dog anyone could ask for. He loved to take long walks and to run and play with his stuffed squirrel. He was housebroken and had is very own couch as a bed. I know Duke is in a better place and I know that I will see him again someday. Duke was loved and will be missed. He was seven years old and I loved him very much. Dogs are not only your best friend but family members. Tanya

I have been doing rescue for over ten years now and even though I love all the animals I rescue one that will touch my heart, one that is special for what ever reason. Butterball was one of those special dogs. She went to heaven on 4-10-09. She had many problems and was a fighter all the way, but God called her home and even though her time on earth was short I will see her again someday. She was loved and will be missed.

I lost someone special on Sunday. Terry was hit by a car before I adopted him. He had a broken pelvis, which was healing on it's own. He also had mange, which respnded quickly to the treatment. I saw him on www.dogsindanger.com. I drove 2 hours to see him. Even though I could see he was a wiggle worm, I couldn't leave him there. He got along with any dog. He was always happy. He looked like he was smiling. He loved his morning run, usually with Penney. He got his rabies shot on Friday, to prepare to be adopted. I let him out for a few minutes, this time alone. I wanted him to be calm at the adoption show. I heard something screaming. I saw a coyote walking along the property line. Then another in the back, holding something white. By the time I ran back there, I found nothing. I saw Bo keep going in the back. It was then I found Terry, trying to crawl back under the fence. His wounds didn't look real bad at first. I carried him inside. He never protested, despite his pain. He didn't have a mean bone in his body. Once inside, I could tell he was in shock. He seemed to be in another place. Sometimes, he tried to get up. Ir seemed like he could not get comfortable. He never whimpered or cried. After a while, I could see the wound on his side was worse than I originally thought. He was bleeding profusely, and I could not stop it. I made a decision to have him euthanized. I was calling the vet, when I checked on him once more. He was gone. I decided to lay him to rest inside the fence, where he came back in. I wanted him to be at home. I'm so sorry that I let him out that morning. It's a decision I will always have to live with. I hope he knows he was loved, during his short time on earth. I noticed when he passed on, he was smiling. Rest in peace, little one, run fast through the fields. I believe you have a healthy, whole body now. Pass through the Rainbow Bridge and wait for me...

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